Public Relations is Big Business

Public Relations, PR, is the process of presenting the face of an organization or individual. Usually to articulate its objectives and official views on issues of relevance primarily to the media. PR contributes to the way an organization or person is perceived by influencing the media and maintaining relationships with stakeholders. According to Dr. Jacquie from Queen Margaret University, ‘Public relations professionals can be viewed as discourse workers specializing in communication and the presentation of argument and employing rhetorical strategies to achieve managerial aims.”

How do Public Relations professionals achieve their goals? Depending on what they are trying to achieve, the following tactics are commonly used:

Audience Targeting. The first step is to identify the group to whom the message is targeted.

Creating a consistent story. A story must be communicated that is consistent. This is commonly called the “Spin”.

Social Media. Social Media is maximized to deliver the message.

Maximize communications. During a legal dispute, PR is given the task to tell their client’s side of the story.

Endorsements. Doctors, celebrities and other ‘experts’ are used to sway public opinion.

Surveys and polls. Surveys and polls are carefully set up to elicit desired public opinions.

Edward Bernays is considered to be the ‘Father of Public Relations’. He was born in Vienna in 1892 and grew up in New York City. He devised and developed many techniques for influencing public opinion. Over the years, he was instrumental in the formation of many of the opinion-shaping methods used today. He used these methods on behalf of many businesses, individual enterprises and government both at home and abroad.

Mr. Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud and no doubt learned a lot about psychology from his uncle. He used endorsements from celebrities, doctors and other “experts” to strengthen the stories his clients wanted to tell. He favored surveys, polls, and results of experiments to make a better case for his client’s positions and products.


One of his clients was Lucky Strike Cigarettes. He was instrumental in making it acceptable for women to smoke in public. He depicted debutantes gathered on street corners smoking Lucky Strike cigarettes and even called the cigarettes “torches of freedom.” The campaign also promoted cigarettes for weight loss with the slogan; “Reach for a Lucky Strike instead of a sweet.” Hollywood actors including Douglas Fairbanks endorsed Lucky Strike because the tobacco was of superior quality. The sale of cigarettes increased by 300% after the campaign.

Mr. Bernays accumulated an impressive list of clients such as The Waldorf Astoria, Proctor and Gamble, Continental Baking Company, General Electric, General Motors, Philco, Westinghouse, CBS and NBC.

Using his knowledge and skills in psychology, he helped establish proven criteria for formulating public opinion on behalf of his clients. Ann Douglas, a professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University wrote that in the era of the 1920’s; “Freud was the chosen mentor of Madison Avenue,” and “Edward Bernays, often called the ‘father of public relations,’ who orchestrated the commercialization of a culture, was Freud’s nephew and a self-conscious popularizer of his thoughts.” There is no doubt Public Relations practitioners since that time have played a major role in sending Americans on a never-ending pursuit of materialism.

Not only is PR used to sell us material goods, it is used by our media, our politicians, and our government both local and national. The problem is that ‘we the people’ get caught in the cross hairs between the ‘truth’ and the spin.

Ethics of PR are highly unregulated. Some practitioners voluntarily adhere to a code of ethics and conduct espoused by their associations, but ‘We the People” have been misled so many times, a recent poll indicated only 20% of us believe the PR we hear is credible.

According to Dr. David Hawkins in his book Power Vs Force, the biggest problem we as humans face is our inability to know truth from falsehood. We are innately naive. It is said; “It is not what you do not know that gets you into trouble…..It is what you absolutely know, that isn’t so.” So, what do we do to protect ourselves and our society from the falsehoods that are promoted? How do we determine what is truth from falsehood?

One of the most important guiding principles is to know that happiness always comes from within. It will never come from anything or anyone outside of us. So although the PR shows happiness comes from acquiring ‘things’, your higher self knows that cannot happen. When you know who you are and you live a life that is in alignment with your core values, happiness springs from within. You cannot chase after it, it springs from within. This is not to say, that pleasure cannot be had through use of things our money can buy. It is to say that true and lasting happiness cannot come from those things. Always remember, true and lasting happiness springs of its own accord from within.

Years ago I heard a story about a big Tom cat and a little kitten. One day the kitten was busy chasing its tail around and around. The Tom cat asked; “What are your doing?” The little kitten responded; “I’ve been told happiness is in my tail and I’m trying to catch it.” To which the Tom cat replied; “That is right…..happiness is in your tail. But you can never chase it to catch it. I just do the best I can to be the kind of cat my heart tells me to be and happiness follows me where ever I go.”

Dr. Hawkins uses kinesiology to determine truth from falsehood. Your higher self knows all there is to know and will respond to the kenesiologic test. If you have not read Dr. Hawkins books, I highly recommend them. If you don’t understand how to use kinesiology to determine the truth, Jesus taught; “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Use integrity and honesty as your guide. Ask yourself, “Does this person have integrity and is he/she honest?” If they are honest and Integrous, you are pretty safe in listening to them because their ideas will be in alignment with truth. On the other hand if the person has a reputation for dishonesty and is lacking integrity, chances are their ideas are not in alignment with truth.

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’: “Don’t fall for the PR that bombards you every day in print, social media and video. Be confident in knowing you have within you total control of your own happiness and never forget God is over all.”

If you’d like your own copy of Earlynn’s book, Transformed, just click on the above tab, Earlynn’s Book, to order your copy.  Thank you.  Gloria!  In Excelsis Deo!”

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Blinded by Ego

Blinded by EgoThe other day I was speaking with a young woman who was so blinded by her ego, she could not truly see the world in which she was living. When you and I believe something to be so, our world becomes a reflection of those thoughts.  Others might be able to see our world is a nightmare of our own self inhibiting beliefs, but until we see it ourselves our world will continue to be that nightmare.

When ego is in control our world can be a very unhappy place….insecure, unloving, vindictive and spiraling downward to grief and unhappiness. The following are some of the tactics of the ego:

YOUR EGO WANTS TO BE RIGHT. It is very important to the ego to be right.  It will argue for its beliefs even if it means trampling on others.  Being right energizes the ego and its sense of self importance.

YOUR HIGHER SELF ISN’T CONCERNED WITH BEING RIGHT. Your Higher Self would rather be kind.

YOUR EGO JUDGES OTHERS HARSHLY WHILE LETTING YOUR OWN FAULTS SLIDE. This young woman had a habit of treating others rudely.  She expected others’ respect and forgiveness while justifying her own rude and unforgiving behavior.

YOUR HIGHER SELF ALWAYS TREATS OTHERS WITH RESPECT AND MAKES ALLOWANCES FOR OTHERS’ BEHAVIOR. The Higher Self knows that everyone is doing the best they can based on their current level of consciousness. Forgiveness is not needed because the higher self never judged.

YOUR EGO BELIEVES YOU ARE A VICTIM. Ego believes you are at the mercy of others.  Your happiness depends on what others are saying and doing.

Your Higher Self accepts responsibility for your life and understands that happiness comes from within. Nothing outside of you will ever make you happy.  Happiness comes from living in alignment with your Higher Self.  Your Higher Self understands the law of sewing and reaping.  Life will always give back to you that which you have given to others.


Your Higher Self knows all of us are on an evolving journey to higher consciousness. We are at varying degrees of consciousness.  Everyone is making decisions based on their current level of understanding.  Your Higher Self is independent of the good opinion of others.  What others think is just that….their opinion.  Your Higher Self knows happiness comes from within not from anything or anyone outside of you.

YOUR EGO JUMPS TO UNFOUNDED CONCLUSIONS ABOUT WHY OTHERS DO WHAT THEY DO. Your ego says you are better than others and twists what others do to prove how superior you are.

Your Higher Self assumes the best intentions of others and does not pass judgment.

YOUR EGO BELIEVES YOU ARE SEPARATE FROM OTHERS.  It believes you are alone and separate.  It does not understand oneness.

Your Higher Self knows we are all extensions of God and we are one. That which blesses one blesses all.  And that, which hurts one, hurts all.  As extensions of God we have a spark of divine within.  In some, that spark is deeply buried, but it is still there. Because we are one no one can ever teach you a spiritual principle that you do not already know at a very deep level.

YOUR EGO DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE VALUE OF THE PRESENT MOMENT. As long as ego keeps you in the past or the future – avoiding the present moment – it is in control.  The ego thinks the present moment is either a nuisance to be endured while getting to a future time or a block to remembrance of the past.  The ego gets its’ identity from your past and believes better things are in your future.  It sends you on an endless chase of seeking and never finding.  It says you’ll be happy when…..others treat you better…..when you get that new furniture…..when the baby comes…..when you get a new job, a new house, a vacation.  The list of seeking is endless.  The pursuit of happiness in things and others is endless.

The Higher Self treasurers the present moment. It understands the present moment is the seat of action.  Everything that has happened and everything that ever will happen in your life happened in a present moment.  It is a place of peace and calm.  Worry comes when your mind is absorbed in future events and grief comes when your mind is absorbed by the past.  Whenever worry or grief absorbs your thoughts, bring yourself into the present moment.  Check your senses…smell the air, listen to the sounds of your surroundings, feel the textures around you, taste something, or focus intently on anything close to you.  All of your senses will bring you into the present moment.  Breathe deeply.  Feel your lungs expand.  Exhale…feel the breath leave your body.  Ask yourself; “What at this present moment is lacking?”   The answer will always be…..”Nothing.”  The moment of NOW is God’s gift, the ‘present’.

As often as you can, bring yourself into this present moment. Close your eyes.  Feel that aliveness within from your toes up to your crown.  This aliveness is your Higher Self.  It is the part of you that will never change.  You felt that aliveness when you were ten years old and will still feel it when you are eighty years old.   And one day when you realize you’ve left your body behind, you’ll still feel that aliveness.

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’;  “When we control our ego and listen to our Higher Self, our life blossoms with peace, love and harmony. “

For your copy of Earlynn’s book , Transformed, just click on the above tab, ‘Earlynn’s Book’ to order your copy.  Thank you.  Gloria!  In Excelsis Deo!

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Detachment Opens the Door to Endless Possibilities


backhoeI love gardening.  I love the feeling of groundedness I get from working the Earth.  During the spring and summer Kermit and I spend a lot of time cultivating our gardens.  My back yard neighbors shared our love of gardening and daily spent hours grooming and cultivating their gardens.  They filled their yard with exotic trees, shrubs and grasses as well as bulbs and flowers of all colors of the rainbow.  They had rock pathways leading to  secluded areas perfect for those quiet moments we so enjoy in our gardens.  Without a doubt, their gardens were among  of the most beautiful in our city.

Two years ago, my neighbors moved and a new family took up residence.  Those beautiful gardens required a commitment of time to retain their beauty.  The new owners were not gardeners, so although the trees and flowers were still beautiful, they were not groomed.  Then yesterday it happened…..the new neighbors drove a backhoe through the yard pulling up the exotic trees, removing the rock pathways and flattening the gardens.  Thousands of dollars of bulbs and tubers were crushed and discarded.  My first thoughts were, “Oh my goodness!  All those beautiful flowers…..gone.  All that work to create beautiful gardens…gone. How sad!”    The new neighbors wanted more grass on which their children could run and play and rightfully so.  And I was reminded that I needed to adjust my attitude.  The whole scene reminded me of the Spiritual Law of Detachment and impermanence.

Everything on this earthly plane is impermanent and our happiness depends on our ability to detach.  Problems emerge when we attach ourselves to a preferred outcome and we tell ourselves something should not be as it is.  This doesn’t mean you give up your intentions to create your desires, but you do need to give up your attachment to the result.  As Deepak Chopra writes in his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; “…the moment you relinquish your attachment to the result, combining one-pointed intention with detachment at the same time, you will have that which you desire.  Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true self.”  I want to repeat that last sentence….”Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true self.

If you have unquestioning belief in the power of your true self, you understand your true self is always guided and empowered by God.  When you really know this to be true, whatever you truly desire will be granted.  If not in the form you originally thought, it will be something better.  Always pray for “This or something better.”  God is over all and his solutions are always better than we have envisioned.

Attachment brings fear and insecurity.  When we think we cannot be happy unless we have certain “Things” in our life we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.  Our ego would like us to believe happiness comes from attachment to things.  The reality is that happiness comes from within and can never be found outside of ourselves.  The ego attaches to things and whispers to us…”You’ll be happy when… get that new job….when you get that new car…..when you get married…..when you get divorced…..when you………on and on it goes.  Ego sends you on a never ending pursuit of things,  a journey of search and never find.

When you learn to detach, your life blossoms and the pathway  to endless possibilities opens up.  As Deepak Chopra says of detachment; “…this keeps the mystery, the wonder, the excitement, the adventure alive.”  Attachment is always based on clinging to the past.  It does not allow for improvement.  It closes the door to the endless possibilities that God has in store for us.

Look at problems as an opportunity for some greater benefit.  Embrace and accept uncertainty as a necessity for growth.  Open the field of all possibilities so you can experience all the joy in life God intends for you.

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin: “Now that our new neighbors have made their changes, I can see those cute little ones running and enjoying the open space and it is good.”

To get your copy of Earlynn’s book, Transformed, just clilck on the ‘Earlynn’s Book’ tab above to order your copy.  Thank you.  Gloria!  In excelsis Deo!

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Earlynn’s Just Blogging

I have had many requests to write a bit about blogging.  I certainly don’t consider myself an expert, so the things I am writing are based on my experience only.  I am sure a professional would give you different advice, but this is what works for me:

I love to write.  My interests are many and varied.  So, it is difficult to pin down a genre for my blog because I may write about anything from gardening to rocket science.

I have a set of core values which guide me in my writing.  For example:  I have deep spiritual beliefs.  The stories I write are guided by my values.  I would say my number one reason for blogging is to put good vibrations out into the universe.  I am true to my core values and never compromise them.   If all I do is help one person each day realize life is worth living and God is over all, I have accomplished my goal.

I read and re-read lots of books written by people who fascinate and intrigue me and whom I respect.

I only write about things that interest me.  I don’t try to please everybody.  I don’t consider myself an expert so I don’t go into great detail in my blogs.  My hope is to peak interest and inspire others to seek more information on the subjects that interest them.

I lead a busy life.  I do not keep a regular schedule for blogging, but  I try to blog at least once each week.  Occasionally I’m inspired to write more often.

For me there has been no ‘magic’ plan.  And I would say to you, first choose a domain name, URL, and then find a theme or a platform.  I use WordPress.  Find a host.  I use GoDaddy.  Just get started.  There is so much to learn.   I am still a novice.  I am technologically challenged, but I am not afraid to make mistakes.  I have learned more from the mistakes I’ve made than any other teacher.  I honestly believe if my blog is destined to be widely read, it will be so.  If not, I have had a really enjoyable experience. I have nothing to loose.   It doesn’t get better than that!

My name is Earlynn Sheehan.  I am a happy Mom, grandmother, and great grandmother,  happily married to my best friend, Kermit.   We have been married 51 years and have one son, four daughters, and their spouses, 16 grandchildren,  plus 5 additional grandchildren through marriage, AND  8 great grandchildren.  We love them all.  God  has blessed us with just enough challenges to keep us humble and plenty of love to keep us happy.  I have written a book, Transformed which is available through Hay House, or my web site,  Feel free to contact me through email,   If your heart tells  you to start a web site and blog…..just do it!  Don’t wait until you think you know all there is to know.  Just dive in and make it happen.  Good luck and God bless your efforts.

Family Pictures 2010 035 Above is a picture of me and my sweetheart, Kermit.

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’:  “I believe anything that you really want also wants you.  So if blogging is calling your name, go for it….you’ll be blessed for your effort.  Thanks for spending time with me.  Gloria!  In Excelsis Deo.”







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Are We Cells is the Body of Humanity?


It has been said that we, all of us, are one and we are but one cell in the body of humanity. So, let’s look at the cells in our body to see what they teach us.

1.  Our cells have a Monetary System: This system pays cells according to the importance of the work they do and stores excess for use at a later time.

2.  Our cells have a Law Enforcement System. This system detains, imprisons, rehabilitates and assists with the destruction of errant cells.

3.  Our cells have an Environmental System. It provides water and air purification treatment that is more technologically advanced that we have ever imagined. This system also provides heating and cooling.

4.  Our cells have a Communication System. This system is extremely fast and complex. Messages are sent directly to all cells giving them information needed for the well-being of the whole.

5.  Our cells have a Research and Development System. This system creates technology in building and repair of our body.

6.  Our cells have Health-care Coverage. This coverage makes sure each cell receives all that is needed to stay healthy.

7.  Our Cells have an Immune System. This system protects the cells and body like a military unit.

These are only a small sampling of the intricate and awesome systems found in our bodies. The cells in our body organize into special organs, skin, nerves, bones, blood, brains, stomach, etc. Individually, they look different, yet they are all part of one body. A heart cell stays within the unit we call heart as do the liver cells, kidney cells, and brain cells. All cells have a specified function and work in harmony with all other cells to keep us healthy. The heart cells do not wish to be brain cells nor do the brain cells wish to be anything other than what they are. All cells work in harmony with all other cells. Your arm does not think it is more important than your leg nor your feet more important than your teeth. There is harmony. Each cell knows its function and does that function without question. Each cell has intelligence and works for the benefit of the whole. Each cell is individual, yet they are one body unit.

Each cell functions based on its own innate consciousness. We do not need to expend energy making sure our heart beats or our lungs breathe. The consciousness within each cell in our body keeps functioning without our will or direction.

We can learn much from observing the cooperative nature of our cells. If we as individuals were as committed to the benefit of the world body as the examples we see in our own body’s cells, we could create a heaven on earth. One part of the world body is as important as any other. If there is disease in any part of the body, the whole body suffers. The truth is there is enough to serve the whole of humanity. There is enough water, there is enough oxygen, and there are enough natural resources.

God has given each of us a set of talents and abilities to be used for the body of humanity. The talents and abilities given to you are unique. Our world will transform when we recognize the source of our talents and consciously use them in service to the whole body of humanity.

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’; “When we use our God given talents in service to the body of humanity, our world will reflect back to us peace, love and gratitude.”

This post was written by Earlynn Sheehan.  Please leave a comment.   If you’d like to send an email  address it to  Earlynn’s  book , Transformed is available at her web site,  Thank you.  Gloria! In Excelsis Deo!



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What Does Science Have to Say About Prayer?

The Blue Marble

The institute of Noetic Sciences was founded by Edgar Mitchell the sixth of twelve men to set foot on the moon.  As Apollo 14 was returning to earth, he was filled with an inner conviction as certain as any mathematical equation he’d ever solved.  He knew that the beautiful blue world to which he was returning is part of a living system harmonious and whole.  And that we all participate, as he explained later, “in a universe of consciousness.”  He was trained and comfortable in  the world of rationality and physical precision, but he became acutely aware of another way of thinking. This experience was so profound  nothing in his life had prepared him for it.  He realized we had barely begun to probe the deepest mystery of the universe – consciousness.  He further realized the human mind itself was the next frontier with possibilities we had hardly begun to imagine.

He co- founded The Institute of Noetic Sciences,  (IONS) with Paul M. Temple in 1973.   The mission of IONS is to explore the fundamental powers and potentials of consciousness using the tools of basic science.   An interesting study on prayer was funded by IONS in 1995.  IONS recruited Elizabeth Targ, a rigorously trained doctor, scientist and psychiatrist to conduct experiments on the effectiveness of remote prayer on healing.

The parameters for the study were to design an impeccable experiment that would determine whether positive or negative thoughts could influence events.  She and her co-researcher, Fred Sicher decided to study the effect of prayer on the advancement of Aids.  They choose participants from aids patients who were expressing the same degree of illness.  Twenty patients were divided into two groups of ten without any of the patients knowing in which group they were placed.  One group of ten were the focus of remote healing prayers.  All twenty patients were given the exact same medical treatment. 

The study employed 40 religious and spiritual healers from evangelical Christians to Native American shamans and just about everything in between.  It was a double blind study in which no one but the shamans knew which patients were receiving healing prayers.  One qualification for the shamans was that they must have a history of successfully treating cases that the medical establishment deemed hopeless.

The healers were given a name, a photo and a T-cell count of each person for whom they were praying.  So four healers were praying for each of  the ten patients in the prayer group.  The healers were asked to “hold an intention for the health and well-being” of the patient one hour a day, six days a week, for ten weeks. 

The results were astounding.  After six months four of the ten patients in the control group without prayer had died.  In the other group, all ten were not only still alive but all reported they were feeling better and objective medical analysis substantiated this fact. 

Targ and Sicher repeated this experiment with fifty separate control factors.  Once again those who received healing prayers scored significantly healthier in all parameters measured.  They continued with a number of other investigations on the effectiveness of healing prayers.  In all studies regarding remote healing prayers, the healers religion or method of prayer it did not appear to make any difference.  The most successful healers expressed humility by stating that some higher force was working through them.

There have been many other studies about the power of prayer.  Dr. Larry Dossey, author or Healing Words and Prayer is Good Medicine reviewed more than sixty scientific studies that provide evidence of prayer having a measurable impact on healing.  These studies show that regardless of which religion or form the prayer takes, without love and compassion, the prayer has little or no effect.

Dr. Dossey summarized by saying that the best healing attitude is “Caring deeply with no hidden agendas.”  Having no hidden agenda means not having an attachment to the outcome or how that outcome manifests.  So, “In order to have something, you must at once desire it, yet not be attached to getting it.”  As the scriptures tell us always pray that  “God’s will be done.”

A long time ago someone told me that a deep sigh is a prayer for God’s help.  I believe this is true.  Pay attention the next time you find yourself sighing deeply and remember that sigh is an unspoken prayer for God’s blessing. 

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’:  “An old hymn says, ‘Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire uttered or unexpressed’.   The important part of prayer is not the memorization of words, it is the feeling and intent contained therein.”

To order a copy of Earlynn’s book, Transformed, just click the ‘Earlynn’s Book’ tab above to order your copy.  Thank you.  Gloria!  In Excelsis Deo!

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Remote Viewing is a Natural State


If you were given only the latitude and longitude of a destination anywhere on earth, could you meditate and then give a detailed description of that location even if you had never been there?  According to Russell Targ, former participant in CIA sponsored remote viewing experiments and author of Miracles of Mind, and The End of Suffering, we all have the potential to do just that.

I recently watched an interview of Russell Targ.   Remote viewing is a specialized practice of clairvoyance developed by the military to explore enemy installations halfway around the globe.  He talked of his own experiences in remote viewing and his experiences with others including prominent leaders.  He told the story of Pat Price who had formerly been the police commissioner of Burbank, California.  He was one of the more gifted remote viewers.  Pat Price worked with Russell Targ in CIA experiments at Stanford Research Institute during the cold war.  In one of these experiments Pat Price was given only the latitude and longitude of a destination and was asked to describe what the area looked like.  After meditating he was able to sketch with incredible precision what turned out to be a Soviet nuclear weapons laboratory.  Satellite photos later confirmed the remarkable accuracy of his sketches. The secret to remote viewing is…there is NO SECRET.  The most important quality is a strong desire to succeedIt is real…It is available….It is FREE.

The remote viewing research information is now declassified so Mr.Targ wrote his books especially for his children.  Previously  he could not discuss this information with them because it was classified.  According to Russell Targ we all have this clairvoyant ability but most diminish it.   We diminish it through conditioned awareness.  Which means we think of ourselves as our parents tell us, as the TV tells us, as our teachers tell us or our ego tells us.

We are all much more than we have imagined; “If you think that who you are is the reflection in the mirror, you are in for a life of trouble.”  Separation is an illusion.  Consciousness shows we are not separated one from another.   He further states; “You are more than what’s sitting in that chair.  You are more than the physical.  You are non-local awareness.”  Take good care of your body, cherish it, but know you are more.  You are expansive.  Go to that part of you that expands.  Be flexible, generous, loving, joyous and non-judgmental.  See things as they are, not as you have been conditioned to see them.   He explained that rather than seeing things as they are, we tell our eyes what to see.  And what we see only has the meaning we give it.  Naked awareness is the ability to see things as they are.  He further states we should “Put our own house in order and the rest of the world will fall in place.”   When we see more we can be more.

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’:  “We definitely are more than we have allowed ourselves to believe.  Russel Targ’s books are beautifully written and make fascinating reading.”

To order your copy of Earlynns’ book, Transformed, just click on the link above to order your copy.  Thank you.  Gloria! In Excelsis Deo!

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Time….The Great illusion


Time is real, it is linear and runs one direction from present to future, or so we have supposed.  But information from quantum physics challenges this long held belief.  One thing we know for sure, everything is affected by the field of energy or vibrations contained within dark matter.  Einstein emphasized; “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”

Astrophysicists Sir Arthur Eddington and Sir James Jeans recognized the world we observe is not real when physicists adopted the principles of quantum mechanics.  Sir James Jeans wrote:  “the strength of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.  Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter….we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.”

According to Bruce Lipton, PH.D in his book, Spontaneous Evolution, “Quantum physics has absolutely verified that information processed by our minds influences the shape of the world in which we live.  With all that that implies for the meaning of human existence, why has this profound awareness not become part of our everyday world?  As Sir Arthur Eddington explained, ’It is difficult for the matter-of-fact physicist to accept the view that the substratum of everything is of mental character.’  Physicists have shied away from this truth simply because it is so alien to their everyday perception of life.”  He further writes, “Therefore, today’s physicists have completely failed to inform the public of the purely mental nature of the universe.”

I don’t pretend to be an authority on quantum physics, but I do enjoy reading about it and stretching my mind.  And I must admit understanding that our universe is purely mental is very difficult to wrap my mind around.   But so many studies of quantum physics attest to that fact, for example:

Theoretical physicist, Amit Goswami worked with pairs of subjects.  He instructed them to maintain direct communication with one another or to feel each other’s presence at a distance.  He separated the subjects by a distance of 50 feet and placed them in electromagnetically sheltered Faraday chambers where EEG activity was monitored.   He then flashed a strobe light into one of the subject’s eyes, inducing a distinctive electrical pattern revealing the brain’s response to the stimulus.  When the subjects were mentally linked by meditation, eliciting an evoked potential in one partner instantly induced an identical potential in the entangled partner’s brain even though the second subject did not physically experience the stimulus.  This experiment demonstrates that activity in one person’s brain can influence the activity in the brain of a separated entangled partner.  This also reveals that the brain has a quantum nature that operates at the macro level.

Most of us today believe that time is an absolute and that it moves in only one direction, but  Dr. Dean Radin, author of Entangled Minds and journalist, Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field and The intention Experiment offer proof that sometimes we respond to future events ahead of time.  For example:  An experiment was conducted where subjects were wired to biometric equipment that registers emotional reactions.  They were shown a succession of slide images, the vast majority of which were peaceful and pleasing.  But about 3% of the pictures were randomly interspersed shocking images portraying sex or violence.  Subjects registered an emotional response to the disturbing images seconds before those pictures actually appeared on the screen.  How can this be if time is linear and progressive?

Another interesting study was done by Dr. Radin using random number generators.  Random number generators are computers programmed to continuously generate sequences of numbers in an erratic fashion.  When graphically mapped out, the computer’s number sets display a totally random pattern – except on rare occasions.  These exceptions are distinguished by the fact that, at those times, the number sets are no longer random but unexpectedly express pattern and coherence.

The incredible part of the story is that when the numbers and pattern became coherent, there was a global event that simultaneously captured the attention of vast numbers of people.  It doesn’t seem to matter what people think or feel about the event, it is just that a vast number of people are focused on the event.  This commonly happens each year at the time of the Super Bowl, but has been noted at other times such as the O.J. Simpson trial, the funeral of Princess Dianna and the attack of the World Trade Center.  Einstein called these kind of events “spooky action at a distance.”

Again, to quote from Spontaneous Evolution; “Now here is where Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” becomes even spookier.  When a pattern of spikes in global coherence is mapped on to a graph, it creates a typical bell-shaped curve.  Nothing unusual about that, except that, in this case, the devices that plot the bell-shaped graph over time reveal that numbers get more coherent at a particular time before the event.  Thus, it was that two hours prior to when the first plane hit the World Trade Center on September 11, the number generators were already responding to pre-verberations of the shocking moment!”

Quantum physics has proved that things change when there is an observer present.  Just the act of observation changes things.  Helmut Schmidt, a German-born physicist has long studied this phenomenon.  He observed that the observer could influence random events through intention.  He posed an intriguing question:  Could an observer influence the outcome of that event – even if it had already happened?

Schmidt connected his random number generator to an audio device that would record a click in either the left or right ear of a set of headphones. He then made a number of recordings of the number generator’s left-right output; making sure no one, including himself, could observe the results.  A day later a volunteer was given a recorded tape and told to mentally influence the outcome so that more clicks would occur on one side or the other.  Later Schmidt compared the distribution of left-right clicks on the influence tapes with those on uninfluenced control recordings.

He found that the control tapes showed purely random results, but he found that his subjects influenced the distribution of clicks on tapes recorded TWO days earlier.  This time travel experiment worked only if the recorded clicks went unobserved until the volunteer had a chance to influence them.  If anyone observed the original results before the time the experiment was conducted, their observations could not be subsequently influenced.

Our spiritual teachings have told us that we have the power to influence what goes on in our world in both a physical and non-physical way.  It seems now science is finally coming to understand the power of our hearts and minds to influence our world and universe.  When we reconsider the commonly accepted idea of linear time, we are left to recognize that which exists beyond time…..the field.

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’; “When we remove time from our lives and live totally in the present moment, our lives are enriched and we live without fear and regret.  Regret comes from living in the past and fear comes from living in the future.  Now is the seat of action and peace.”

To order your copy of Earlynn’s book, Transformed, please click the above tab entitled ‘Earlynn’s Book.’  Thank you.  Gloria!  In Excelsis Deo.




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Why Do People Choose Pain?

Oftenitsthedeepestpainwhichempowersyoutogrowintoyourhighestself_zps003eb564Why do so many people choose pain?    For example, someone chooses relationships with abusive partners, one after the other.  Or someone carries around the burden of anger and hatred for another who they believe wronged them.  Or it could be minor where someone feels unappreciated for whatever reason.  We see examples all around us of people suffering needlessly.  It is said that we do not suffer from things we do not know.  We suffer from things we KNOW that just aren’t so.

I don’t believe anyone consciously chooses pain, but  the choices they make appear to make no sense in light of the fact that other choices could end the pain.  So why,  do people choose pain when other choices would liberate them?

First of all, people do not intentionally choose pain, to do so would be insane.  But when controlled by their thinking, they really have no choice.  They believe they are their thoughts  (their conditined mind).  So  choices are really not choices at all.  Their ‘choices’ are controlled by their conditioned mind.  The ability to truly “choose” depends on how conscious a person is at the time of ‘choice’.  True choice can only come to a fully conscious mind.

Many or even MOST people live life in a  completely unconscious state.  They believe they are their mind or their thinking.  A real awakening takes place only when they realize they are not their mind or their thoughts.  We are the ‘witness’ or the ‘watcher’ behind the thinking.  When we finally realize thoughts come and go of their own accord without our own volition, we begin to awaken.  Not to be able to stop thinking is an affliction and almost everyone is suffering from it.

Many live with a tormentor in their heads that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy.  It causes untold unhappiness and even desease.  One of the best books ever written about the unconscious mind is Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now.  He asks the question; “Can you be free of your mind whenever you want to?  Have you found the ‘off’ button?”

He further explains if you cannot free yourself from thinking….”Then the mind is using you.  You are unconsciously identified with it, so you don’t even know that you are its slave.  Its almost as if you were possessed without knowing it, and so you take the possessing entity to be yourself.  The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the possessing entity – the thinker.  Knowing this enables you to observe the entity.  The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated.  You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence.  You also realize that all the things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind.  You begin to awaken.”

As the watcher or witness, begin watching the steady stream of thought as it rolls through your mind.  Don’t judge it, rather watch it as an unattached observer,  You will find that most of these thoughts are repetitive and useless.  These thoughts will cover the present moment with worry and fear.  These thoughts will keep you constantly in the past or future….never in the present moment which is the seat of all action.  These thoughts will beckon you to solve perceived problems in the future.  You can never solve perceived problems in the future.  But your mind will tell you that you can and will occupy you endlessly with scenerios that drain your energy.  The past is gone, your repetitive thoughts about it accomplish nothing.  The seat of action is in the present moment of now.

To the thinking mind (the egoic mind), the present hardly exists.  The past and the future are its playground.  The present moment is not important and is only a step to the future or a step away from the past.  The mind is essentially a survival machine.  It is good at attack and defense against other minds.  It is good at gathering, analyzing and storing information, but it is not creative.  Creativity comes at times of mental quietude.  Einstein said thinking: “plays only a subordinate part in the brief, decisive phase of the creative act itself.”

When you find you are suffering from endless thinking, bring yourself into awareness of this present moment.  Ask yourself, “In this present moment, what is lacking?”   The answer is always….. nothing.  The present moment is your shelter.  It is where you find peace and harmony.  It is where you will handle anything that comes into your life.  You have solved all your problems in a moment of now.  When you are fully present inspiration will come to you, peace is there.  Practice being in the now.  Feel your breath, focus on it.  See the beauty around you.  Be grateful.  When we are fully present and only when we are fully present can we truly make choices.

Eckhart Tolle in his closing chapter writes; “Nobody chooses dysfunction, conflict, pain.  Nobody chooses insanity.  They happen because there is not enough presence in you to dissolve the past, not enogh light to dispel the darkness.  You are not fully here.  You have not quite woken up yet.  In the meantime, the conditioned mind is runing your life.”

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’ “If you have not read, The Power of Now, you owe it to yourself to read it.  You will be blessed by it and all around you will blessed also.”chains

To order your copy of Earlynn’s book, Transformed, just click on the above tab, ‘Earlynn’s Book’ and we will get a copy to you right away.  Thank you.  Gloria! In Excelsis Deo!



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Wouldn’t it be Lovely?

Vector EquilbriumFor just a few minutes let’s  imagine what our world would be like if everyone had access to free energy.  Think about that.  Wouldn’t That Be Lovely?  How much money do you spend every day, every week, every month on energy?  Imagine how much our world spends on energy, both in man-hours and money. How could you and our world benefit from free power?  I’m talking about a renewable energy source that does not pollute our air, a source  that does not deplete earth’s resources.  A source that is readily available to everyone everywhere on the planet from the sky scrapers in New York to the natives in Botswana.   If free energy were possible, shouldn’t that be a top priority for our nation….our world?  If a non-poluting, renewable energy source is a possibility shouldn’t that be pursued with vigor?  If a source of energy exists that never depletes Mother Earth’s resources, shouldn’t we be investing in development of this energy?  Who would benefit most from such energy?  How would our world change?

Now I want to turn the tables.  Who benefits from keeping the status quo?  Who benefits from the sale of energy that pollutes our air?  Who benefits from energy that is not renewable?  Who benefits when there is scarcity or finite resources?  Who benefits from energy that depletes Mother Earth’s resources?   I ask these questions just to get us thinking,  investigating and discussing.  We will not find answers to these questions until we open our minds.

flower of life sacred geometry

For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’:  I believe free energy is definitely possible, but it will not come into use until we wake up to the reality of our status quo.”

If you would like to have your own copy of Earlynn’s book, Transformed, just click on the above tab, ‘Earlynns Book’ to order a copy.  Thank you.  Gloria!  In Excelsis Deo!







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