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Monthly Archives: August 2014
Create a Happy Society
Nisargadatta Maharaj is quoted as saying; ”My stand is clear; produce to distribute, feed before you eat, give before you take, think of others before you think of yourself. Only a selfless society based on sharing can be stable and happy. … Continue reading
Posted in Spirituality
Tagged give before you take, give happiness away, the golden rule still applies, to be happy
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Anger Comes With a Price
What happens to your body when you exhibit anger? Your body goes into the fight or flight mode…..blood rushes into your limbs for fight or flight, your face gets red, your jaw stiffens, your voice pitch gets higher, and you feel hot and think irrationally. Many … Continue reading
God Bless The Story Tellers
God bless the story tellers. We all need a good laugh now and then and we love those who can tell a funny story. I ran across this story the other day and was so amused, I decided to share it with … Continue reading
Posted in A bit of humor
Tagged Don't go around tootin' your horn, You must know the difference between a boat whistle and a bugle
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