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Category Archives: What Science Tells Us
Global Warming Is Real, Part 2
The other day I had a spirited discussion with one of my best friends. The discussion was about the truth of global warming. My friend believes it will be impossible to get the cooperation needed to put an end to the … Continue reading
Global Warming is REAL
Yes, Global Warming is real. It is a fact. Who is responsible? No one on this earth. Nothing we human beings have done has caused Global Warming. And the evidence for this is found in the ice of Antarctica. Scientists have successfully drilled to … Continue reading
Posted in History, Spirituality, What Science Tells Us
Tagged Global warming has happened before, Global Warming.....It's not our fault, Global warmngs 100000 year cycle
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What is Truth? Part 2
In my last blog, I listed five old scientific truths which have now become assumptions that have been proven to be false. As I understand the scientific premise, a true scientist will always examine the facts relating to an hypothesis. … Continue reading
What is Truth?
A colleague of Einstein, Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist said; “It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth.” Science as we now know it is based on deep truths that have been … Continue reading
Posted in History Tells Us, Spirituality, What Science Tells Us
Tagged Survival of the fittest, survival of the most cooperative, We are a species of our own
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Music, Music, Music
Music is so entwined with our lives, it is hard to imagine life without it. Music can soothe our troubled mind. It can get us up and hopping, eager to tackle the task at hand. It can make us laugh or make … Continue reading
Posted in Health and Wellness, Spirituality, What Science Tells Us
Tagged Music is for the soul, Music to heal DNA
1 Comment
What Are You Giving the World This Christmas?
It’s Christmastime! My favorite holiday of the year. It’s a time for giving and forgiving. A time for loving and singing, and laughing, and praying, and remembering and being grateful. So, my question for you is; “What are you giving the … Continue reading
What’s Up With Your Vibes?
Everything is energy! You are a bundle of electric energy and so am I. Energy vibrates. The energy in a rock vibrates at a different rate than living things like grass. But the fact is everything is vibrating energy. We … Continue reading
Posted in Spirituality, What Science Tells Us
Tagged the sun sings om, You are a liquid super crystal, You can heal by exposure to 528 hz
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Selfish Genes? I Think Not!
Many are convinced that the violence eroding our civilization is unavoidable because violence is encoded in our genes. The popular belief that people are ruled by DNA and that selfishness, violence and aggression have been programmed into the human hard … Continue reading
Oh, The Wonderful Things a Cat’s Purr Can Do.
The Department of Animal Care and Control estimates there are hundreds of millions of cats in our world today. Here in the U.S. there are around 80 million registered cats, making cats by far the most popular domesticated animal. Its … Continue reading
Our Sun, Is It Transforming Us?
Above is a close up view of a recent sun spot. We love sunshine! We bask in it. Our spirits are lifted by it. When we see sunshine after a cloudy day, we feel excited – like an old friend has … Continue reading