Be Still

Scripture tells us to “Be still and know that I Am near.”  The ability to BE STILL is one of the most powerful and profound abillities we acquire along the road to enlightenment.  Everyone is benefited by those who remain calm in the face of chaos.  When all around is  turmoil, those who remain calm are the ones who stabalize any situation.  We are all drawn to those who have developed the ability to tap into the center of their being and BE STILL.

Life is full of  challenges appearing to be critical.  Deadlines, appointments, accidents, commitments, monetary responsibilities, politics and family disputes all parade before us pretending to be all important.  But when we look at them from a deep perspective, from a point of realizing the eternal we sort through these imposters and see what is truly important.  As we develop our ability to BE STILL our days become peaceful.  We respond to daily challenges using the best of our abilities and accomplish more.  We teach by example the power in the present moment.  BE STILL and  allow yourself access to the present moment.  Fear is a theif that robs you of the present moment.  BE STILL and  know God is with you always in all ways.

Herman Melville in his book Moby Dick wrote:  “For as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land, so in the soul of man there lies one insular Tahiti, full of peace and joy, but encompassed by all of the horrors of the half-lived life.”

BE STILL and know within you is an island of peace and joy.  Tap into it and enrich you life.

For now, Earlynn’s Just Sayin’

About Earlynn

Earlynn is a spunky mother, grandmother and yes, even a great grandmother. I have always been drawn to things spiritual from the time I was very young. Over the years I have read, studied and prayed that God would use me to bring comfort to troubled minds. That is my purpose more than anything else, but along the way I have also lived a very happy life. I love my family....5 children, 5 inlaws, 18 grandkids and four great grandkids. I am a master cake decorator, I love gardening, I am passionate about health and nutrition. I love parties and gatherings of family and friends. I love cooking and at least twice each year I host dinner for 50. I love writing, teaching and public speaking. I love my sweetheart. We met when we were only 10 years old and will soon celebrate our 50th anniversary. Everything I do is centered on my spiritual beliefs and I know love is the answer to all of life's problems. Join me on my web site as we explore many ideas, laugh a little and love a lot.
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