Those who know me well know the questions WHO AM I AND WHAT AM I DOING HERE and their answers hit the core of my being. I believe there are no more important questions to be asked. I have not always known or understood the answers to these questions. For sure, my answers have changed from those I would have given as a young woman. I have gone through an evolution and transformation in my search for the answers.
As a youngster, I believed I was here to please my parents. They were very religious and I was taught that nothing was more important than pleasing God and obeying His commandments. My parents were loving and I grew up knowing I was loved.
I was taught:” I am a child of God and He has sent me here. Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.” My constant prayer was that God would: “Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.” I believed my place in after-life depended on my faithful compliance with all of God’s commandments. If I did not faithfully comply with God’s commandments, I could be separated from my family for all eternity.
My parents taught me God’s essence is loving, kind, forgiving, tolerant, and generous. But He can also be intolerant, judgmental, unforgiving and vengeful to those who do not follow His teachings. These teachings brought with them fear of not living up to God’s expectations, guilt every time I thought I fell short of what was expected of me and worry that I or one of my loved ones might fall short of God’s expectations. At this time in my life, I believed I was a child of God and I was here to serve Him by keeping His commandments.
It is my firm belief that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I was lead to several teachers who helped me transform and evolve me beliefs. Two books that dramatically changed my beliefs are The Course in Miracles and Conversations with God. As I read these books, I literally felt these messages transforming me. I would read and cry as I felt my heart being massaged with a healing balm. The list of teachers who have helped me is long and many times I have written about them and their teachings in this blog. One of these great teachers is David Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D. In his book, The Eye of the Eye he wrote this about true teachers:
“Earmarks of true teachers are humility, simplicity, lovingness, compassion, and peacefulness. There is no financial charge for conveying truth as there is no interest in money, personal power or gain. It is irrelevant to a true teacher whether others become followers or join a spiritual group or organization. All are totally free to leave a spiritual group. There is the avoidance of the development of a personality cult. There is no desire by a true teacher to control others and, therefore, a true teacher has no interest in coercion or persuasion. Neither does a teacher attempt to appropriate knowledge nor force it on others inasmuch as it was freely received. Therefore, the true teacher is gracious in manner and spirit. The student of a true teacher is the totality of all mankind.
Knowledge based on faith and true experience is calm, it invites rather than tries to convince. It attracts by virtue of its intrinsic merit and the innate power of the truth itself. Truth does not rely on force by persuasion or argument; it explains but does not try to convince.”
I now know that God is love and I am a spark of that divine love. I am here to experience myself as that divine spark. God is over all and whatever or wherever I am, my purpose is to experience life as that divine spark. There are no mistakes. It is only through this experience we call life that we all may come to know ourselves as who we really are.
There are many great teachers. When you are ready, your teachers will appear. David Hawkins explains in his book, Truth Vs Falsehood the characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers, and Teachings. I will cover these 39 characteristics in my next blog.
For now, Earlynn’s just sayin’ “You can live a spiritual life free of worry, guilt and fear. When you are ready your teachers will appear.”
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