Why Are We In Such A Hurry?

timeA few days ago my three year old great granddaughter asked her Mommy; “Where are we going to hurry up and go to today.”  Out of the mouths of babes comes insight and wisdom.   Why are we in such a hurry?  We hurry to one place only to leave and hurry to another.   Some days we’re hurrying all day long, but why? 

Our homes are filled with ‘time saving’ devices.  Yet there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. We rush from one place to another, trying to get it all done.   Let’s go back in time to see if these ‘time saving’ devices have really helped us save time.  In the 1950s most homes had a wringer washing machine and clotheslines in the back yard.  Cotton clothes were washed, hung out to dry, taken off the clothesline, folded and ironed before wearing.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner were cooked on a stove or in an oven.  Dinners were almost always made from scratch.  After dinner dishes were hand washed and dried.   Push lawn mowers mowed our lawns.  Homework was done at the library or at home if you were lucky enough to have a current set of encyclopedias.  There were no computers or calculators.  Your handwritten homework assignments were turned in to your teacher trusting the assignment wouldn’t get lost because you had no way of making a copy.  These are only a few of the ‘examples of life without our current ‘time saving’ devices.

Now, let’s look at these ‘time savers.’  The old wringer washing machine and clothes line have been replaced with an automatic washer and dryer.  Most of our cotton clothing has been replaced with wrinkle free fabric needing no ironing.  What took ten hours now takes two hours.   Time saved 8 hours.

Cooking breakfast used to take 30 minutes.  Using our microwave, we can cook the same meal in 8 minutes.  Dinner used to take about 45 minutes or more.  Now with microwaves and pre-packaged and/or frozen meals, we’re looking at 15 minutes.  Washing and drying dishes by hand used to take an hour.  Loading the dishwasher takes about 10 minutes.  Our dinner preparation and clean up time has saved 1 hour 42 minutes.

The old push lawn mower mowed our lawn in 1 hour.  Using our power mower cut the time in half saving 30 minutes.

Homework took two hours searching through encyclopedias and hand writing our answers.  That same homework can now be done in an hour using a computer to print and copy our assignments.  Time saved in homework 1 hour. 

We could go on and on showing the time saved by all of our “time saving” devices.  The point is we have mis-labeled these devices.  They have not really saved us any time at all.  What they have done is allowed us to re-allocate our time, and we have chosen to re-allocate our time to do more and more.  But has our time been well spent doing more and more?  There is an old saying that says, “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!” 

We need to remind ourselves that we are human BEINGS.  We are not human DOINGS.  What you are doing is NEVER as important as what you are BEING.  If you can be busy and remain calm, peaceful and loving, then go for it!  But if you find you are doing more and more and being less and less peaceful, calm and loving, it’s time to re-allocate the use of your time.  Look at your priorities and get them in alignment with who you are at your core.  Make sure you allocate enough time for those you love.  Make sure you allocate enough time to relax and gather your thoughts.  Make sure you allocate enough time to feed your soul.   Remember your energy radiates from you and affects the quality of your work and those around you.  Are you radiating positive uplifting energy or are you radiating stressful negative energy?  You cannot fool the world.  You can put on a smile and pretend all is well, but your energy will always reflect your true inner state of being. 

For now, Earlynn’s just saying; “Fill you day with love, and peace and anything else you desire as long as love and peace are maintained.  Then all will be blessed by your positive energy.”


To order a copy of Earlynn’s book, Transformed, just click on the tab above, “Earlynn’s Book” to order your copy.  Thank you.  Gloria!  In Excelsis! Deo!”


About Earlynn

Earlynn is a spunky mother, grandmother and yes, even a great grandmother. I have always been drawn to things spiritual from the time I was very young. Over the years I have read, studied and prayed that God would use me to bring comfort to troubled minds. That is my purpose more than anything else, but along the way I have also lived a very happy life. I love my family....5 children, 5 inlaws, 18 grandkids and four great grandkids. I am a master cake decorator, I love gardening, I am passionate about health and nutrition. I love parties and gatherings of family and friends. I love cooking and at least twice each year I host dinner for 50. I love writing, teaching and public speaking. I love my sweetheart. We met when we were only 10 years old and will soon celebrate our 50th anniversary. Everything I do is centered on my spiritual beliefs and I know love is the answer to all of life's problems. Join me on my web site as we explore many ideas, laugh a little and love a lot.
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