
Your relationship with God is and always has been one of unity, prosperity, abundance, peace, love, and pure joy.  If you cannot see it, your vision is clouded.  As you clear your vision of such things as judgment, worry, guilt, and fear, the truth about your relationship to God appears, and you find yourself to be a far greater being than you have imagined yourself to be.

I believe I was inspired to write Transformed.   My book takes you with me on my transformational journey to clear my own clouded vision.  I’ll share with you simple truths I found along the spiritual path to the freedom I now enjoy.  As your friend, I’ll help you understand your true nature.   As your vision clears, you’ll realize how loved you have always been and ever will be.  As you leave worry, guilt, fear and judgment behind, your life becomes one of peace, love, and joy.  My prayer is that Transformed  will help you discover your true relaionship to God.

I was honored to be interviewed by Jennifer Morris of Hay House Radio.   Every month Hay House Radio produces an hour long show featuring new authors.  My interview is just under eight minutes long and is about half way through the program.  It aires  every Monday and Friday during the month of May.  The Monday show is at 8:00 AM MST and the Friday show is at 2:00 PM MST.  Hay House Radio is found on your computer at  Click on the ‘Listen Now’ tab.

Transformed is published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House.  It is now available from Hay House, Barnes and Noble and Amazon.  You can also order it directly from me by clicking the ‘Earlynn’s Book’ tab at the top of this page.

For now, Earlynn’s Just Sayin’:  “Thank you for your kind support.  I appreciate the love and support from all who had a hand in helping my book, Transformed,  become a reality.”

About Earlynn

Earlynn is a spunky mother, grandmother and yes, even a great grandmother. I have always been drawn to things spiritual from the time I was very young. Over the years I have read, studied and prayed that God would use me to bring comfort to troubled minds. That is my purpose more than anything else, but along the way I have also lived a very happy life. I love my family....5 children, 5 inlaws, 18 grandkids and four great grandkids. I am a master cake decorator, I love gardening, I am passionate about health and nutrition. I love parties and gatherings of family and friends. I love cooking and at least twice each year I host dinner for 50. I love writing, teaching and public speaking. I love my sweetheart. We met when we were only 10 years old and will soon celebrate our 50th anniversary. Everything I do is centered on my spiritual beliefs and I know love is the answer to all of life's problems. Join me on my web site as we explore many ideas, laugh a little and love a lot.
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